Community guide

Taking the time to compliment others is a small yet meaningful gesture that can improve someone's day. Today, you're challenged to find three people and offer them sincere compliments, even if they are strangers. This act can promote positivity and forge new connections.

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Best time of the day

Suggested age
Teenagers and Adults

Best weather conditions
Any weather condition

Between 0 and 0 euro

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Estimated duration: 30 minutes

Last editted on: 09-09-2024 21:30

Spread Happiness through Compliments

Make sure to add this project to your agenda and share it with someone who would enjoy spreading kindness today!

Step 1: Prepare Your Mindset

Before you head out, remind yourself of the power of words—both positive and negative. Decide to focus on positivity as you go about your day. Being genuine is key, so think about compliments that you can mean sincerely.

  • Think about qualities that often deserve praise: kindness, creativity, or style, to name a few.
  • Remember to be authentic; fake compliments are easily spotted.

Step 2: Choose Your Moments

Look for opportunities throughout your day to pay a compliment. This can be to nearly anyone you encounter: a barista making your coffee, someone at the gym, or a person sitting next to you on public transport.

  • Consider timing—when someone is not in a hurry, they're more likely to appreciate a compliment.
  • Avoid forced interactions; let your interaction feel natural.

Step 3: Deliver the Compliment

Approach the person with a friendly demeanor and make eye contact. A simple smile can help disarm any initial awkwardness. State your compliment clearly and with sincerity.

  • Keep it short and sweet; an authentic compliment is best received when it’s straightforward.
  • For example: 'I just wanted to say, your smile really lights up the room.'

Step 4: Observe the Impact

Take note of the recipient's reaction. Often, you will see an immediate smile or a change in demeanor. This moment can be rewarding, reinforcing the positive effect of kind words.

  • Notice how their mood might lift, and how this makes you feel more connected and uplifted as well.

Step 5: Reflect on Your Experience

At the end of your day, take a brief moment to reflect on your experiences. How did complimenting others influence your mood and interactions? Consider writing about this in a journal to help observe how positivity affects your day.

  • Think of how you can incorporate this practice into your daily routine.

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